Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Hold On, I'm Almost There - #7-Chinchilla, Egg and Cheese Tacos
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Todays Topics include
What's your favorite sport to spectate and which one do you sweat to.
What's your Favorite will Ferrell Movie
Is Tarantino overrated, I think so Shane says otherwise
You're Chosen to be the best man. Plan it... Real and Fake which one do you tell the wife about and which one do you plan on the side.
do you, talk to strangers
How do you begin at something
What do you do when you know someone is not paying attention during a conversation?
-Dad's corner - what's your golden rule to teach your kids.
Ted talk about an engineer that fails:
Why you should make useless things | Simone Giertz
Like what you hear? hit subscribe!
Send us your comments, throw us some new Topics to cover!
follow me on Twitter @phatsqueezle
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Hold On, I'm Almost There - #6 - Mark Cope - Just An Out of Body Theme Song
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Today's Guest is Mark Cope, He’s A Father, Friend, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Minimalist.
Todays Topics include
Worst job - 2:00
What would be the theme song for the movie about your life - 6:00
Best work convention you’ve ever attended - 13:00
Would you rather be bitten by a Dog, A Shark, or A snake - 34:00
If you had an out-of-body experience. What would you hope you’re doing at the time - 43:00
Dads corner - Are you a Consultant or a Micromanager to your Child - 53:00
Books talked about today -
The Self-Driven Child - Ned Johnson - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/549564/the-self-driven-child-by-william-stixrud-phd-and-ned-johnson/
Depeche mode enjoy the silence remix -Ki:Theory - Enjoy the Silence
The strokes - latest album
The Jeffersons - Theme song - The Jeffersons - Theme Song
Sanford and Son Theme song - Sanford and Son - Theme Song
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Hold On, I'm Almost There - #5 - Tom Munguia - Everyone Starts Somewhere.
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Our Very First Guest!! Tom Munguia, a Husband, Father, Friend, Personal Trainer, and Firefighter with Houston's Own Station 105!
What are your go-to power meals, do you meal prep, what is "clean eating" 1:00
Hidden gems from movie lists you watched from twitter 15:00
Funny dad jokes? 20:00
Road trip music/ Favorite movie soundtrack 39:00
Which superpower would u rather44:00
What job would u take if you were picked up by aliens? Coneheads Style 45:00
Dad's Corner - what was the last thing you did with your kids where they displayed a hidden talent. 1:00:00
Find Tom on social media -
Twitter - @iampolynikes
Instagram - @tmunguia105
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Hold On, I'm Almost There - #4 Grilled Alien Meats Mermaid and Rock Bat
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Todays Topics include
What's your take on aliens/bigfoot/Atlantis/mermaids
What's your favorite sitcom
How do you grill your meats
Dads Corner - a favorite outdoor activity you would like to pass along to your kids.
Books talked about today -
Low and Slow By Gary Wiviott
Tank Rodriguez Podcast
Tejas Chocolate+Barbecue
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Hold On, I'm Almost There - #3 The Zen of Lottery and the Gospel of Campfire
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Todays Topics include
What are you plans if you win the lottery 2:00
What were you like in highschool 22:00
What's your Zen - whats your release: 39:00
Dad story "Campfire Gospel":49:10
Books talked about today -
Te of piglet
Dao of poo
Kitchen confidential
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Hold On, I'm Almost There - #2 - Wipe Me Like a Hurricane
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Tonights Topics -
Guilty and music pleasures
Instant pot, love it or leave it
Is there psychology in how you clean dem cheeks?
Now we're going to roll into hypothetical hump day, what would you do if
Flat tire on a highway
Teaching kids about money
Links we talked about
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Frank and Shane Make a Podcast
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Top 10 movies that molded our minds
Is Art Dead or has it Mutated? Mutated into what?
Rum, spiced cheap or Captain
Never Settle
Everything done is not for nothing, there is a purpose there is a light.
Try something new, something different, and find yours.